Thursday, November 1, 2007

Masters in Mom Management

My neighbors are getting tired of my hoary old joke that there ought to be an MMM -- a Masters in Mom Management. But really, there should be.

Every Thursday afternoon, I do three hours of volunteer work with a group in which my son is involved. And every Thursday, I have to make sure that my daughter has someplace to be. Right now, she's involved in a one hour long sports activity on Thursday afternoons.

Today, after an hour on the phone and eleven phone calls, I was finally able to arrange it so that one person takes her to the activity, and then another one picks her up for a play date. In between she gets the spare cell phone and detailed directions about where to wait for the ride home, so that she stays safe and in contact at all times.

Phew! I'm exhausted. If I got paid for this type of management work -- heck, if any Mom got paid for this type of management work -- Mom would be one of the best paying white collar jobs in America.

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