Thursday, November 8, 2007

Talking travel to a wider audience

Here's something kind of fun for me to boast about. A few posts below, I told you about a new travel website that's hoping to become (and shows every sign of becoming) an internet destination
for families planning their vacations. It's called Kango, and is definitely worth a look.

And today, speaking entirely without humility, it's more worth a look than ever. Yup, I got stuff published there. In addition to its search engine abilities and eating and lodging recommendations, Kango also has a blog in which guest bloggers who have stories about traveling with kids and pets get to pass on useful information. Today, Kango published a post I did about traveling in Paris in the winter with elementary school aged children. It's an interesting time of year to be in Paris and, despite the cold, the wet, and the short days, there's still so much to do.

I hope to have more travel reports up at Kango's blog because, while my family doesn't travel as much as some families I know, we still manage to get around and see some interesting stuff.

1 comment:

A Traveling Mom said...

Thank you for your great post on Kango. I think we will be having a few more of your travel reports on our site once I get a bit more organized.