Thursday, November 1, 2007

The trouble with rich people

I met a rich person, a really, really rich person, a few days ago. This was not a good thing, because thinking about his wealth made me feel discontented.

Thinking about my envy over the last few days, I've realized that I'm not feeling greed in the way one would assume, which is a desire to increase my material goods. I'm actually a person of very simple tastes and there aren't many material things that I desire. Nope. What I wanted was the time his money could buy.

His money could buy me freedom from a job that, lately, leaves me more tired than mentally satisfied; freedom from mountains of laundry, both dirty and clean; freedom from shopping and cooking and cleaning up; freedom from driving carpools all over the place; and freedom from the dragging, exhausting chains of day to day living.

If there's money to be had, you can have it for your fancy cars, pretty jewelry and designer clothes. All I want is a little time to myself.

1 comment:

A Traveling Mom said...

Girl, go get it. Tell them you are leaving for the day and will be back after dark. This is a take no prisoners post. The mom influences the house. Go, go, go. No guilt allowed.