Friday, November 16, 2007

Time for a little music humor

If you have TiVo, or something similar, set your box to catch this wonderful version of Leonard Bernstein's Candide. It's a pitch perfect production, with marvelous singing, acting, and staging. Not only do the grown-ups like it, the kids do too -- so much so that we've had it on TiVo since August simply because the kids like to drop in on it occasionally.

If you're watching Candide, about 25 minutes into the production, Candide and Dr. Pangloss, after surviving a shipwreck, are driven ashore in Lisbon, only to find themselves in the middle of a celebratory execution day sponsored by the Inquisition. A joyous chorus then wanders around the stage singing the jolly "What a Day! What a day for an auto-da-fé." Because it's so cheerful in tone, it's no surprise that today, when she got 100% on all of her school work, my daughter began singing "What a day! What a day!" Turns out, though, she hadn't quite grasped the lyrics. Her version is "What a day! What a day for an auto buffet." Still makes me laugh just to type it.

The other musical joke happened yesterday at my son's chorus practice. I volunteer there, so I'm privy to a lot of the boys' conversations. Yesterday, the name of the boys' former music coach came up. One boy announced "Mrs. X is a witch in Macbeth." The other boys were horrified.

"I like Mrs. X." "Mrs. X was a really good teacher." "That's not nice." (They are sweet little boys.)

"No," said the original boy. "She's a witch. I'm in Macbeth and she stands next to me on stage."

"Oh! Cool."

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